Highway Engineer
- What does a Highway Engineer do?
- Why do I need a Highway Engineer?
- How do I become a Highway Engineer?
We have put together this website with a view to answering all these questions and many more. You may be a Developer or a Private Individual who has been advised that you require the services of a Highway Engineer to assist you with a Planning Application. Maybe you require a Transport Assessment, Transport Statement, Transport Scoping Study, Travel Plan, Road Safety Audit, Detailed Design work, a Feasibility Study of potential access arrangements, the design of a service area or car park, or supervision of highway works, a Highway Engineer can assist you with all of these matters and many more.
The Role of the Highway Engineer
The vast majority of development proposals will bring about some form of impact on the local transport network, be it an increase in traffic or pedestrian movements, that could have an impact on safety and network operation, additional demand on public transport network or the simple formation of a new access which could have implications on the adjacent highway and neighbouring properties. These matters are considered by the Highway Engineer whose involvement will relate to the scale and nature of the development proposal, and will be able to advise on how any adverse impacts of the development can be cost effectively mitigated, with the aim of providing an improved transport network to the benefit of all users
Our website provides a brief overview of the Highway Engineer’s role in a major project.
What Our Clients Say:
Swept Path Analysis and Visibility Drawing incorporated into a Technical Note, Proposed Residential Dwelling, Colchester.
Highway Statement, Proposed Residential Development, Stockport
Transport Assessment, Proposed Residential Development (170 dwellings), Essex
Speed Survey, Proposed Private Residential Development – Testimonial
Access Feasibility Study, Proposed Private Residential Development – Testimonial
Analysis of Speed Survey and Swept Path Analysis
Stage 2 Road Safety Audit, Residential, Staffordshire
Construction Traffic Management Plan
Flood Risk Assessment, Testimonial, Industrial Development, Sheffield
Travel Plan
Require the Services of a Highway Engineer?
Sanderson Associates have enjoyed over 37 years in business delivering experienced Highway Engineering Services to our clients, having completed over 12,200 schemes for a wide variety of major and minor developments throughout the whole of the UK, Isle of Man and Ireland.
We would be pleased to provide you with our competitive fee proposal to provide you with our Highway Engineering Services, please call us on 01924 844080 or click here to complete our secure online form.